Did this mode as quick as possible, I had enough time to complete but I was just being lazy.
This mode is actually made for the 1year [Ask] anniversary, but we'll see how often this will be used. There's over thousands objects, so chill out.
/help | /turfhelp | /dmlist | /stunthelp | /ramphelp | /tele
/car <name> - to spawn a vehicle
/knife - gives you a free knife.
/flowers - gives you flowers.
/clown - set your skin to clown, and gives you some flowers
/thetruth - set your skin to The Truth
/mothership - spawns The Mothership (campvan, rainbow? paintjob), if you remember The Truth ride.
/count <seconds> - countdown with no freeze.
/tune - Tuning menu, uses invalidcar, so won't crash the server, but for the sake don't use it on a boat or plane.
/xnight - changes the worldtime to midnight.
/flip = flips the vehicle
/repair - repair the visible body damage.
/sync - you know, when you're desync and floating around
/cigar = attach a cigar object to your body
/fight - changes the style of unarmed fight, like street, kungfu, etc. Thanks Sief.
/gokart - kart race, in the driving school SF.
/exitkart - to exit the kart race, it will remove the 'checkpoint' from the map.
! <message> - for teamchat
/pm <playerid> <message>
/buyweapon <weaponid> <amount> | /list | /list2
/givecash <playerid> <amount>
/sellpoints <amount>
/hitman <playerid> <amount>
/teamstats (teamid) - gives the informations about the turfs a team got.
/teamids - shows the team IDS
/report <playerid> <reason>
/me <message>
Unlimited-Nitro: Press ACTION key (left mouse button). Auto-Repair is turned ON.
You can tow cars with a Tow Truck, press LCTRL.
Turf Help:
Total turfs: 97.
There are 2 ways to provoke a turfwar.
1) Kill 5 players in a specific area.
2) Or get at least 5 members in a turf for a short amount of time.
The turf you´ve attacked, will flash with a red color on your radar.
If you see a turf flashing with a white color, it means the turf is under attack, but not by your team.
After 3 minutes the team with the most kills in that area wins the turfwar.
Or when there are no kills in a turf the team with the most members on it wins!
The winners will receive $1000 + 1 point.
If the turfwar was in a other city the winners will receive $2500 + 3 points.
DM Zone:
/dm1 (sniper)
/dm2 (deagle/cs/m4/sniper)
/dm3 (deagle/shotgun)
/dm4 (cs/rifle)
/dm5 (cs/deagle/m4/sniper)
/dm6 (cs/deagle)
/dm7 (sawnoff/tec9)
/dm8 (m4/shotgun/silenced pistol)
/duel (DuelArea) - it got some places for spectators.
/armydm (Army DM) - uses objects, so may lag.
Stunt Help:
/bj1-14 (basejump)
Besides the stunt commands, here the teleports:
/lvport, /sfport, /lsport, /lc,
/party - Party Lobby, nothing big, just for chill out.
/castle - Flying castle, can be used as another party place.
port = airport, party = party lobby.
Ramp Help:
/ramp [on/off] to turn on or off the ramp.
/setramp [0-5] to set a ramp type.
Press Left CTRL button to spawn the ramp. It will stay there for few seconds.
<will add later>
(Dec 7, 2008)
- Fixed car spawner
- Removed some vehicles (hunter, hydra, rhino etc)
- Fixed the party lobby, you won't fell down anymore.
- Added the castle.
- Added /xnight.
Post here if you don't understand what <whatever> command does.
xSA 1.5
This mode is actually made for the 1year [Ask] anniversary, but we'll see how often this will be used. There's over thousands objects, so chill out.
/Help wrote:This is a TDM gamemode where you can kill players to receive money and points.
You can take turfs of other teams. Type /turfhelp for info.
You can teleport to various DM zones. Type /dmlist for info.
There are lots of place to stunt. Type /stunthelp for info.
You can set ramps. Type /ramphelp for info.
Type /tele for all available teleport commands.
Type ! to talk in Team-Chat. Your teams stats: /teamstats (teamid)
Type /commands for a full list of commands.
Auto-repair is turned ON by default. /car <name> to spawn vehicle. Unlimited Nos: Press Action key (left mouse button).
/help | /turfhelp | /dmlist | /stunthelp | /ramphelp | /tele
/car <name> - to spawn a vehicle
/knife - gives you a free knife.
/flowers - gives you flowers.
/clown - set your skin to clown, and gives you some flowers
/thetruth - set your skin to The Truth
/mothership - spawns The Mothership (campvan, rainbow? paintjob), if you remember The Truth ride.
/count <seconds> - countdown with no freeze.
/tune - Tuning menu, uses invalidcar, so won't crash the server, but for the sake don't use it on a boat or plane.
/xnight - changes the worldtime to midnight.
/flip = flips the vehicle
/repair - repair the visible body damage.
/sync - you know, when you're desync and floating around
/cigar = attach a cigar object to your body
/fight - changes the style of unarmed fight, like street, kungfu, etc. Thanks Sief.
/gokart - kart race, in the driving school SF.
/exitkart - to exit the kart race, it will remove the 'checkpoint' from the map.
! <message> - for teamchat
/pm <playerid> <message>
/buyweapon <weaponid> <amount> | /list | /list2
/givecash <playerid> <amount>
/sellpoints <amount>
/hitman <playerid> <amount>
/teamstats (teamid) - gives the informations about the turfs a team got.
/teamids - shows the team IDS
/report <playerid> <reason>
/me <message>
Unlimited-Nitro: Press ACTION key (left mouse button). Auto-Repair is turned ON.
You can tow cars with a Tow Truck, press LCTRL.
Turf Help:
Total turfs: 97.
There are 2 ways to provoke a turfwar.
1) Kill 5 players in a specific area.
2) Or get at least 5 members in a turf for a short amount of time.
The turf you´ve attacked, will flash with a red color on your radar.
If you see a turf flashing with a white color, it means the turf is under attack, but not by your team.
After 3 minutes the team with the most kills in that area wins the turfwar.
Or when there are no kills in a turf the team with the most members on it wins!
The winners will receive $1000 + 1 point.
If the turfwar was in a other city the winners will receive $2500 + 3 points.
DM Zone:
/dm1 (sniper)
/dm2 (deagle/cs/m4/sniper)
/dm3 (deagle/shotgun)
/dm4 (cs/rifle)
/dm5 (cs/deagle/m4/sniper)
/dm6 (cs/deagle)
/dm7 (sawnoff/tec9)
/dm8 (m4/shotgun/silenced pistol)
/duel (DuelArea) - it got some places for spectators.
/armydm (Army DM) - uses objects, so may lag.
Stunt Help:
/bj1-14 (basejump)
Besides the stunt commands, here the teleports:
/lvport, /sfport, /lsport, /lc,
/party - Party Lobby, nothing big, just for chill out.
/castle - Flying castle, can be used as another party place.
port = airport, party = party lobby.
Ramp Help:
/ramp [on/off] to turn on or off the ramp.
/setramp [0-5] to set a ramp type.
Press Left CTRL button to spawn the ramp. It will stay there for few seconds.
<will add later>
(Dec 7, 2008)
- Fixed car spawner
- Removed some vehicles (hunter, hydra, rhino etc)
- Fixed the party lobby, you won't fell down anymore.
- Added the castle.
- Added /xnight.
Post here if you don't understand what <whatever> command does.
Last edited by stopwatch on Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:12 pm; edited 10 times in total